Friday 15th
- Mysore 8:00 and Led Primary series class 18:00 (one class per student or both if they are very enthusiastic : )
- Workshop opening 20:00-21:00 Discussion, Pranayama & Meditation
- Saturday 16th
- Mysore 8:00-10:00 (or 8:00-11:00 if there will be students for two groups)
- Workshop 12:00-14:30 Workshop (Asana techniques and Hands on adjustment for the primary and intermediate series)
- Sunday 17th
- Mysore 9:00-11:00 (or 9:00-12:00 if there will be students for two groups)
- Workshop 12:00-14:30 (Three layers of the body, physical and non physical techniques to understand the human being, energy movement and to release tensions)