Finnish Folk Energy Healing Course

Finnish Folk Energy Healing Course 1 & 2:

Two options for Course 1: May 30+31; June 27 + 28

One option for Course 2: July 11+12

In this workshop, you will learn and practice several energy-healing techniques from the Finnish tradition which Petri learned from Finnish master healers Pentti Penttilä, Pentti Mäkelä and Raimo Holtti. The techniques come from the ancient Finnish healing tradition called Jäsenkorjaus (bone or limb setting) and is, in many parts, similar to osteopathy. Some of the techniques used in this tradition involve giving physical adjustments, energy healing, herbal healing, wet and dry cupping and healing with power words (similar with mantras). The workshop will cover mainly the energy healing part with few gentle physical adjustments on the different parts of the body.

These energy-healing techniques are based on sensing and locating the blocks in the flow of energy throughout the body. A perfect supplementation to yoga teachers and body workers who wish to increase their sensitivity when working with yoga students and/or clients.

The Energy healing Workshop 1 is necessary before doing the workshop 2 if you haven’t done before the workshop with Petri. All the energy work will be done for the partner so attending for the workshop would need two people in the same space and it is better if the both people will attend for the workshop for to give and receive the treatment.

Petri began his Energy healing studies in Kaustinen, Finland in 1986. In addition to teaching yoga, Petri worked as a folk healer and naturopath and ran a natural treatment business in Helsinki, Finland from 1991-1998. He has been teaching an energy healing workshops since 2005 and spreading the Finnish traditional healing knowledge worldwide. 

Energy Healing workshop 1 is necessary before doing the second workshop, if you haven’t done the workshop with Petri prior. All the energy work will be done on a partner so  two people in the same space will be required. We recommend that both people attend the workshop, to give and receive the treatment. 

If it’s not possible to find a partner, let us know and we can work something out.

What you’ll be learning:

Energy Healing Workshop 1:

  • The history of the (Finnish) healing tradition
  • Healing methods
  • Healing issues (when to heal and when not)
  • How to connect with the patience in energy level  
  • How to sense the energy layers and blocks (usually pain) without touching the body
  • How to relax with the energy 
  • How to do energy purification
  • How to balance your own energy after the healing work

Energy Healing Workshop 2:

  • How to give long and short-distance energy healing
  • How to adjust the pain sensation 
  • How to do the energy acupuncture 
  • How to move the body without physical touch (mental hypnosis)
  • Balancing your own energy after the healing work

Studio Ekam, Granada, Spain

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