Jai Yoga/Ashtanga Leiden, Leiden, Netherlands, November 1-3, 2024
We’ve been working together with Reinier Dorrepaal for many years and he has been studying with full intense the Ashtanga system, Pranayama and Yoga Philosophy. Jai Yoga / Ashtanga Leiden is Reinier’s newly opened yoga shala in the cosy village in Netherlands just about 30 minutes from the Schiphol airport close to Amsterdam.
This is my first full workshop with Reinier. We are collaborating..Reinier is assisting in the Mysore room and teaching Pranayama according Kaivalayadhama system. I’m doing the other afternoon classes.
More info about the workshop..https://reinierdorrepaal.nl/petri-raisanen-1-3-november-2024/
The shala is an old building and has a nice cafe downstairs. Perfect place to have a break after the classes.
Welcome to Leiden with Petri and Reinier and Leiden Ashtanga Yoga community. It will be a great opening for the November and winter season.
Petri and Reinier
Photo Petri portrait by Lizzy Ann