We are happy to announce a long weekend workshop at the Alexia’s shala in Marseille with a special program. It will be a summer time and the vibrant city, harbours and beaches are waiting for the yogis.
Alexia was translating (with a good help from Amina) my Nadi Sodhana (Intermediate series) book into French, which came out in last summer 2021. On Saturday afternoon we will have a detailed class about the hidden techniques of the asanas in the second series! On Friday and Sunday there will be another subjects for the afternoon technique classes about the art of the asana adjustments and building strength through the acrobatic asanas. It will be challenging and fun.
Welcome to practice..all levels, body types, ages, genders, colours, views and opinions!
Big hugs,
Petri and Alexia
Photo by Elise in Marseille workshop 2021