Yoga in Salento YIS Support On-line Led class in June 26 2020

Salento, Italy Puglia, Italy

AYS Salento supposed to start the retreat season in April 2020, but now all the spring and summer (also mine retreat in June) has been cancelled and the resort is suffering a big financial loss. This Primary series + The beginning of the Intermediate series Led class, discussion, sharing and Q/A will be held on […]

Finnish Folk Energy Healing On-line Course 1 in June 27-28 2020

Photo: Folk Healers at Kultsa, Helsinki 1994, (Petri on the left) FINNISH FOLK ENERGY HEALING COURSE 1 & 2: Course 1: June 27 + 28 (Saturday 16pm-19pm & Sunday 16pm-19pm Finnish time EEST) One option for Course 2: July 11+12 In this workshop, you will learn and practice several energy-healing techniques from the Finnish tradition which Petri learned […]

Finnish Folk Energy Healing On-line Course 2 in July 11-12 2020

Photo: Petri at the health exhibition in 1994 One option for Course 2: July 11+12 (Saturday 16pm-19pm & Sunday 16pm-19pm Finnish time EEST) In this workshop, you will learn and practice several energy-healing techniques from the Finnish tradition which Petri learned from Finnish master healers Pentti Penttilä, Pentti Mäkelä and Raimo Holtti. The techniques come from the ancient Finnish […]

Yoga in Salento YIS Support On-line Led class in July 12 2020

AYS Salento supposed to start the retreat season in April 2020, but now all the spring and summer (also mine retreat in June) has been cancelled and the resort is suffering a big financial loss. This Primary series + The beginning of the Intermediate series Led class, discussion, sharing and Q/A will be held on […]

Purple Valley Yoga Goa, On-line workshop, August 22-23 2020

Purple Valley Yoga On-line Schedule 22-23.8.2020 Welcome for Petri's and Wambui's On-line workshop organised by Purple Valley Yoga, Goa. Here is the schedule for the two day intensive! Saturday Aug 22 08.00-10.30 Led Primary and the first 6 poses from the Intermediate series with light pranayama: the “traditional” vinyasa count with steady pace, suitable […]

On-Line Workshop Calendar 2020-2021

Dearest friends, students and colleagues, There is at least one positive thing with this Covid-19 pandemia..that the world is more connected via On-line classes, workshops and courses. There is plenty of On-line classes with a great teachers which wouldn't be available without the pandemia. Actually there is so many of them that it can become […]

Russian On-line class in December 26th 2020

Dear friend, students and/or colleague, You are welcomed for the Boxing Day On-line class organised by Alexander Smirkin and Russian Ashtangis. We will start at 7am (Finnish time) and 8am (Moscow time). I will guide a Primary series and Intermediate series up to Ustrasana, followed by Pranayama, Relaxation and Yoga discussion. It will be about […]

Keen on Yoga, Online workshop, February 6 2021

We did a Podcast with Adam from Keen on Yoga in September 15th 2020 and decided to do a workshop with an important subject of Therapeutic Hands On Adjustments & Healing Touch. There will be a theory and practice and Q/A in the end. Welcome to join On-line!


Petri’s Online Workshops in April – July 2021

All the Online workshops are open for everyone who want to practice with Petri Online. The registrations and information for the workshops you can find from the host's websites. This is a great opportunity to practice and feel the Ashtanga community from your own location. Welcome to join and practice! - Petri   April 3, […]

Miami Yoga Center On-Line workshop in September 4 2021

It has been a great pleasure to teach for MYC and my old friends Tim and Kino. We will do a full Primary series led class followed by one hour discussion and Q/A session. Welcome to practice..on Saturday September 4th at 9:00-12:00 EDT Warmly, Petri Here is a flyer.. Miami Life Center 4.9.2021.rtfd and registartions.. […]