2019 – Ashtanga Yoga, Purple Valley, Goa, India

February 2.– March 2, 2019 Purple Valley Centre Welcome to the one month (minimum of one week) Ashtanga Yoga Retreat with Petri, Wambui and their great professional assistants. Purple Valley Yoga Retreat is located in a peaceful valley in Assagao, North Goa, between the Arabian Sea at Anjuna beach and the small market town of […]

Nepal Ashtanga Retreat, Pharping, Nepal, April 6-15 2019

April 6.–15. 2019 Mahalaya Nepal/Tibetan Buddhust Monastery Pharping, Nepal   Retreat summary Amongst the energy of the Himalayas and by one of the most sacred sites in Tibetan Buddhism, join Petri and Wambui for a very special immersion into the Ashtanga Vinyasa practice. The one-week retreat combines the powerful practice of Ashtanga Yoga in one […]

Yoga in Salento, Puglia (Zollino), Italy, June 13-26 2020 (Family Yoga Retreat)Postponed till June 2021

       This Retreat has been postponed till June 12-26 2021 due the Corona-19 pandemia. Stay safe and healthy and..Welcome back in 2021! Ashtanga Yoga Summer Retreat with Petri Räisänen and Pauliina Merisalo (more info about Pauliina at www.astangashala.fi/astanga-shala-ja-opettaja) The retreat is based on Traditional Ashtanga Yoga practice in a quiet, gentle and therapeutic […]

Summer Retreat in Kustavi Archipelago, Finland June 27 – July 17 2020 POSTPONED TILL 2021

The Retreat has been postponed till June-July 2021 due the Corona-19 pandemia. Stay healthy and safe and..Welcome back in 2021! We will be back in Kustavi (archipelago) Lomavalkama Resort in the West-Coast of Finland. Enjoy the yoga, philosophy, sauna, sea, yummy vegetarian meals, friends and the sunny nights of the Finnish summer. This is a […]