My Yoga Shala Marseille, France, October 27-30, 2023

My Yoga Marseille Marseille

Marseille is a busy, hot and noisy city, but it has its beauty in the small streets with multicultural shops and harbor with thousands of selling boats..and My Yoga Marseille. […]

Samasthiti Studio, Paris, November 9-12,2023

Samasthiti is a legendary Caroline Boulinguez's "old school" Ashtanga shala in the center of Paris. I've been goin to Paris for more than 20 years and my both Ashtanga books […]

Yoga Circle Amsterdam, November 17-20, 2023

Yoga Circle Amsterdam De Clercqstraat 66-68, Amsterdam, Netherlands

The positive news from Amsterdam arrived after the Delight Yoga's last June bankruptcy. A group of Yoga teachers from Delight Yoga will continue teaching at De Clercqstraat 66-68 shala, where […]

Utrecht, Netherlands, November 23-26, 2023

This will be my first visit and workshop in Utrecht, Netherlands. I'm excited to meet a new students and teach at the new Yoga Shala. The schedule, registration and prices […]

Puro Yoga, Oslo, Norway, December 1-3, 2023

Puro is one of the oldest and strongest Ashtanga communities in Europe. It was build by Alexander Medin, a famous Ashtangi and Sanskrit/philosophy scholar from Oslo with Astrid Riddervold. Now […]

Brussels, Belgium, December 8-10, 2023

I'm excited about my first Brussels workshop. The workshop will be organized by my friend Nina Tomas, a Brussels based artist and Ashtangini. I love to see new places and […]

Astanga Yoga Helsinki, Finland, December 27-30 2023

The Evolution of Ashtanga Yoga: A Collaborative Workshop with Juha and Petri The traditional Helsinki Tofu pork digesting workshop : ) at the Astanga Yoga Helsinki shala in the heart […]