koh mak

Koh Mak , Thailand

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Eddie Stern in Helsinki

Astanga Yoga Helsinki Eddie Stern has devoted his entire life to the study of Ashtanga Yoga. He studied under Ashtanga Yoga master Sri K. Pattabhi Jois from 1991 until his passing in 2009. Eddie has published several books on Pattabhi Jois and Ashtanga Yoga, including a translation of Pattabhi Jois’s 1960 treatise, Yoga Mala. Eddie […]

Copenhagen, Denmark

Mysore Yoga CPH Petri Räisänen is an internationally known and respected Ashtanga yoga teacher. He started practicing Ashtanga in 1988 and is co-owner and director of Ashtanga Yoga Helsinki, one of the world’s largest Ashtanga yoga shalas, blessed by Sri K Pattabhi Jois to teach the traditional yoga method. Petri was a devoted student of […]

Stockholm, Sweden

Ashtanga Yoga Stockholm More info at: www.ashtangayoga.se

Ashtanga Yoga Summer Retreat, Wijlre, Netherlands

Yoga Place Information Ashtanga Yoga Retreat in Wijlre, NL with Petri Räisänen Unique opportunity for Yoga as a lifestyle Mornings include Mysore-style Ashtanga and guided beginners classes Afternoons are filled with thorough technical analysis, in-depth discussions and extra workshops in Energy healing, Yoga Philosophy. Pranayama, Thai yoga massages and relaxation, meditation sessions are offered in […]

Ashtanga Yoga Summer Retreat, Kustavi, Finland

Lomavalkama, Kustavi Mornings include Mysore-style Ashtanga practice, guided beginner’s classes, a beginner’s course for those new to Ashtanga or guided Yin yoga classes. Afternoons are filled with thorough technical analysis, in-depth discussions, yoga philosophy, pranayama and meditation. Extra workshops with visiting teachers are also offered; to be announced soon! Families with kids are welcome to […]

Ashtanga Yoga Retreat, Frantsila, Finland

Frantsila Organic Herb Farm, Hameenkyro, Finland YOGA PROGRAM INCLUDES Led practice on wednesday Mysore style practice thurstday- sunday morning Astanga technique class Meditation Pranayama Chanting Meri Tiitola Joogafilm Retreat Program Photos from retreat Photos from retreat at Facebook More info at: www.astangashala.fi/petri-raisanen-ashtanga-yoga-summer-retreat-frantsila-2.--6.8.20173

Bern, Switzerland

Daya Yoga Friday, 1st September: 06.15 – 08.15: Mysore Class 18.00 – 21.30: Workshop Opening: Dharana (mind focus) in Ashtanga Yoga practice & Led Class Saturday, 2nd September: *09.00 – 12.00: Mysore 14:00 – 16.30: Workshop – Intro to Intermediate series Sunday, 3rd September: *09.00 – 12.00: Mysore 13:00 – 15.30: Workshop – Easy and […]

Basel, Switzerland

Ashtanga Yoga Basel PROGRAM: Thursday, Sept 7: 6-8pm Intro and Led class Friday, Sept 8: 6.30-8.30am Mysore 6-8pm Led class Saturday, Sept 9: 7-10am Mysore 10.30am-12.30pm Led class 4-6pm Workshop Session 1: Dharana, Manas & Prana (body and mind techniques for better concentration) Sunday, Sept 10: 7-10am Mysore 10.30am-12.30pm Led class 1-3pm Workshop Session 2: […]

Cascais, Portugal

Astanga Cascais More info at: www.ashtangacascais.com