Veda Yoga Växjö, Sweden September 15-17 2020

Linda Wikström ha been build a great yoga community in Växjö, Sweden. It is my pleasure to be back at her shala in September. Welcome to practice Ashtanga in a peaceful environment! Looking forward to see you! Petri   Photo by Philip Martin

Villa Prana Studio, Portimão, Portugal, September 24-27 2020 POSTPONED TILL 2021!!!

Welcome to our first (Petri & Wambui) workshop in Portimão, Portugal. Portimão is a cosy beach town close to Faro. The registrations will be done by e-mail, phone or pm. The page of the studio on facebook is Portimao Schedule 24-27.9.2020 THURSDAY 24 7h Mysore class FRIDAY 25 7h Mysore class 17h Beginners class […]

On-Line Workshop Calendar 2020-2021

Dearest friends, students and colleagues, There is at least one positive thing with this Covid-19 pandemia..that the world is more connected via On-line classes, workshops and courses. There is plenty of On-line classes with a great teachers which wouldn't be available without the pandemia. Actually there is so many of them that it can become […]

Astangajooga Turku, Finland, December 11-13 2020 Jokikatu 8, Turku, Finland

We had such a good time in Turku in October workshop that we decided to have a new workshop in December 11-13 2020. The schedule and registrations are up at I'm looking forward to see the Turku Ashtanga community again! Petri

Astanga Yoga Helsinki, Finland, December 18 – 20 2020

Astanga Yoga Helsinki Annankatu 29 B, Helsinki, Finland

This is our yearly Christmas time workshop which has been going on since 1997 when the Astanga Yoga Helsinki was found by Petri and Juha. It is a great way to prepare yourself for the Holidays and get inspiration for your practice! Stay healthy and safe! Petri and Juha

Russian On-line class in December 26th 2020

Dear friend, students and/or colleague, You are welcomed for the Boxing Day On-line class organised by Alexander Smirkin and Russian Ashtangis. We will start at 7am (Finnish time) and 8am (Moscow time). I will guide a Primary series and Intermediate series up to Ustrasana, followed by Pranayama, Relaxation and Yoga discussion. It will be about […]

Keen on Yoga, Online workshop, February 6 2021

We did a Podcast with Adam from Keen on Yoga in September 15th 2020 and decided to do a workshop with an important subject of Therapeutic Hands On Adjustments & Healing Touch. There will be a theory and practice and Q/A in the end. Welcome to join On-line!


Finland Ashtanga Yoga Winter Tour 2020-2021

Dear Ashtanga Yoga students, friends or/and colleagues.  Hope you are doing well and have been healthy and safe! We are truly living the strangest time of our lives. It has been challenging in many ways but surely there has been a lots of interesting and also beautiful moments during the lockdowns and restrictions. Now as our […]